online dating

online dating

Dating Older Women

August 17, 2019 0

Age should never stand in the way of true love; Would you agree? If you’re considering dating older women, here are some top tips for you: You should know your age. Here is the breakdown of how the differences between women change as they get older: – 25-30 years old women Ladies in this age… read more

Woman using a tab for online chat

Best Online Dating Openers to Get Girls Talking

July 25, 2019 0

Online dating has become the norm in this modern world. People are becoming busier in life and rely on the convenience technology has provided to find dates. Additionally, online dating is not as taboo as it used to be. Almost everyone has tried this method of dating, and most are lucky enough to find real… read more

Couple in a museum

5 Fun Date Ideas for Introverts

July 18, 2019 0

When it comes to dating, finding someone who shares your traits, personality, and character is a daunting task. But what happens when you are an extrovert and they are an introvert? Most introverts avoid large, noisy crowds, and this affects their social lives. The situation may even be worse if the person they are dating… read more

5 ways to affair-proof your relationship

July 17, 2019 0

If you are going to affair-proof your relationship, you are going to invest in and commit to the relationship. You are not going to think you can do better than the person you’re with or that somewhere out there in the world is a potential mate who will love and adore you when you want… read more

first date ideas

10 Fun First Date Ideas That You Need to Try

July 4, 2019 0

If you think about it, a date is just hanging out on a schedule. So shouldn’t it be as fun and carefree as just hanging out? There are always the traditional dates, the go-to’s like movies, coffee shops and dinner. But a great date is all about sharing in a common interest or trying new… read more

Why daytime dating is better than the bar scene

July 3, 2019 0

Ability to successfully approach and date women in the daytime is a skill that not every man has. That also can be extremely difficult to stand out in the bar scene. For one thing, any attractive woman in a bar is going to be hit on countless times throughout the night. And this evaporates during… read more

Couple cooking together

6 Best Bonding Activities for Couples

June 25, 2019 1

The most exciting part of a relationship is usually the beginning. It’s in the honeymoon phase that couples normally plan exciting activities and fun things to do during dates. It’s when you look forward to the next time you’ll be seeing each other. However, as time goes by, things gradually change, and the honeymoon phase… read more

Bride and groom

6 Qualities To Look For In A Woman To Marry

June 19, 2019 2

You’ve been dating a while. You’ve made a commitment. You’ve moved in together. Everything seems practically idyllic. You love her. She loves you. And you want to spend the rest of your life with her. But is she really the one? Marriage is never going to be a passing whim.  It requires not just time… read more